This calculator provides the optimum capacity solar system size for your power consumption for tamilnadu domestic / home power connection. The sizing is based on the maximum Return on investment. Also the calculator provides the Saving potential. Make the best use of the calculator and go the solar way. Once you decide to go the solar way, we Gensolar Energy will ge there to guide you to success
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Tamilnadu Domestic Solar Saving Calculator
Bimonthly Consumption*
What is your Bimonthly Power Consumption? (use last 6 Bills average)
600 Units
400 Units
2,000 Units
Recommended Solar system Size
Calculated for Maximum ROI
1 KW
Net import after Solar Installation
Power imported from TNEB Grid
360 Units
EB Bill Without Solar System installed
0- 100 units
101 to 200 units
500 + units
201 to 500 units
4.6 Rs
6.6 Rs
0 Rs
3.5 Rs
100 Units
100 Units
100 units
300 Units
350.0 Rs
1,380.0 Rs
660 Rs
Total Tariff
2,390 Rs